George & Bell in the News

A recent study commissioned by the Alberta Federation of Labour on Alberta’s public sector pension plans has received some ink in the media in the last week. Here is a link to the press release …

Happy New Year

We are a few days into 2014 and for some people this means reflecting back at the year that was and anticipating the year ahead and beyond. Personally 2013 was a year of change for …

Annuity Purchases for Pension Plans

The current economic environment is particularly challenging for defined benefit pension plans. Many plans have to fund according to the solvency test, using asset market values and long-term bond rates to discount liabilities. The current …

Accounting Matters – Old Age Security

When Old Age Security was changed in the Federal budget last year some people asked me whether the cuts were necessary.  That is a difficult question because almost all government spending decisions are choices rather …

The Impact of Aging on Investment Returns

I originally wrote this article in May 2011.  I think that it remains relevant today: feel free to disagree (or agree) in the comments below. Suppose you were told that you would live to 120.  …

Is There a Pension Crisis After All?

Last week, the Fraser Institute released and then withdrew a study, Canada’s $254 Billion Iceberg: Public-Sector Pension Liabilities, on Canadian public sector pension plans. From the news releases, one can piece together the argument: federal …

The End of Traditional DC Pension Plans? Part 2

In my last blog posting, dated June 29, 2012, I commented on the issues I had with the way Defined Contribution (DC) Pension Plans are currently managed in Canada. In this follow-up post, I speculate …