Is There a Pension Crisis After All?

Last week, the Fraser Institute released and then withdrew a study, Canada’s $254 Billion Iceberg: Public-Sector Pension Liabilities, on Canadian public sector pension plans. From the news releases, one can piece together the argument: federal …

Socially Responsible Consulting

Pension plans, benefit plans, foundations and endowments are well aware of Responsible Investing (RI).  RI is an investment strategy that integrates environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in addition to financial factors, and its acceptance …

The End of Traditional DC Pension Plans? Part 2

In my last blog posting, dated June 29, 2012, I commented on the issues I had with the way Defined Contribution (DC) Pension Plans are currently managed in Canada. In this follow-up post, I speculate …

See the Forest For the Trees.

Successful institutional investors think beyond asset class-specific decisions and think in terms of the overall portfolio. They see the forest for the trees. Institutional investors don’t invest in one silo or asset class.  Instead, they …


Brendan George and I have partnered to create George & Bell Consulting.  I’ve been fortunate to work with some high calibre consultants since I started working in the actuarial field.  Brendan is the best among …